Welcome to the Genomic Kitchen Book Resource Page

A library of all materials we linked to from your e-book . Click on the images in any of the categories to find downloadable resources that were illustrated in The Genomic Kitchen: Your Guide to Understanding and Using the Food-Gene Connection

….and a few bonuses too!

The Genomic Kitchen Ingredient Toolbox

Find all the M.I.S.E. Ingredient charts. Choose from Comprehensive Ingredient Toolbox maps, or individual maps for M.I.S.E.


Science from The Genomic Kitchen

Find charts related to bioactives, fiber, fermented foods, Ikaria, Sardinia and more!

The Genomic Kitchen Culinary Framework

Our Culinary Frameworks illustrate recipe categories that organize and support recipe selection for meal planning.


Flavor Tools

Fruit and vegetable flavor and texture charts. As featured in Chapter 14.

The Genomic Kitchen How To Guides

Guides related to cooking and putting great ingredients from the Genomic Kitchen Ingredient Toolbox on your plate!


Bonus Materials from The Genomic Kitchen

Enjoy bonus recipes and videos from The Genomic Kitchen