The Genomic Kitchen

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Considering a consumer genomics test? Read this first

DNA and consumer genomics tests seem to be everywhere now. But, do you wonder what different tests can reveal about YOUR health “strengths” and “weaknesses”? Are you curious how much the oft-cited general nutrition and health guidelines apply to YOUR health? Or if they can help you reach optimal health? This is where a good genomics test and a qualified clinician come in. If you want to know how to find a reputable, quality test and how to skillfully unpack your results to fine-tune your health, keep reading.

The reason why a DNA test is important is to provide personalized insights into your unique code. Whatever your health concerns and goals are, there is probably a consumer genomics test that can help you understand yourself better so that you can use these insights to thrive. For example, maybe you want to know why you are always hungry. Or perhaps you want to increase your longevity, or want to know what helps your immune system.

In this article, I will discuss what consumer genomics tests can reveal, three of the most important considerations when choosing a test (they are not all equal), and most importantly, how interpretation of your results by a trained clinicians can help you put your results into action effectively.

What Consumer Genomics Tests Can Reveal

In my experience as a dietitian, I can tell you that genomic testing is the best tool I've ever had in my nutrition toolbox. That’s because each one of us has a unique set of genes that we inherited from our parents (yes, even siblings are unique). These genes have different variations (called SNPs, or single nucleotide polymorphisms) which influence the efficiency and yes, inefficiencies of how you operate. So, knowing your unique blueprint can reveal a lot about yourself and your inner workings.

Consumer genomics tests (those individualized tests that explore your gene variants) can determine how your body makes certain proteins or how it processes different nutrients. Genomic test information helps you understand how food, exercise, stress, sleep and the impacts YOUR body. This knowledge is very powerful. In fact, it’s a gamechanger!

For example, some SNPs may indicate that you are a “supertaster” and this helps to explain why you could possibly have a stronger preference for sweeter foods and not bitter ones like dark chocolate and Brussels sprouts. Other SNPs may provide some direction on what foods you should eat to harmonize with your gene blueprint. Or, if you have diabetes, for example, you may want to know what foods may be more appropriate based on what we know about genes that influence blood sugar management or insulin sensitivity.

Armed with genomic information, you can cut through generalized health recommendations (like the infamous food guide) and really focus on the specific foods and nutrients for YOUR unique biochemistry. This is the power of nutrigenomics (nutrition + genomics). Knowing your unique pattern of SNPs truly allows you to optimize your health on any level and that is why genomic tests are one of the most insightful tools for better health.

3 Considerations When Choosing a Consumer Genomics Test

Genomics tests can be very powerful, but there are many, many options out there. After all, you don’t want you to waste your money on tests that may not look at everything you need or want to to know. Nor do you want to buy from testing companies that have a vested interest in selling you products add-ons, such as supplements.

If you have ongoing health issues, pay close attention to these three factors because they are especially important for you.

1. How does the genomics company handle your personal data?

Providing your cells (usually from inside your cheek) to a company to analyze your DNA is a very personal thing to do. The company needs to be trustworthy and keep your data secure. This is why privacy is the number one consideration when choosing a consumer genomics test.

Before you invest in any tests, get informed about the company’s privacy and data security policy. You do not want to give them permission to sell your data or otherwise profit from it.

2. Does the genomics report contain suggestive selling

Beware of computer-generated automatic recommendations for specific supplement products or any other products in a consumer genomics test. This is because because there is more to recommending a supplement (or meal plan) than simply having one gene variant (SNP). Genomics is a lot more than if you have SNP X, you need product Y. Mother Nature does not work like that. As an expert working in the genomics space, we look at what your health history is. What your symptoms and health goals are. How the total number of gene variants (SNPS) appear in specific biochemical pathways and what their total impact is. interact with the ones of that particular nutrient? Is this particular genomics test the most reliable test to determine the need for this supplement or is another test better?

3. Is the genomics test sold to you directly, or provided to you in consultation with a licensed healthcare provider?

In other words did you buy your test, or did a licensed and trained clinician order your test and work through it with you? There is a huge difference. Over-the-counter tests are highly simplified and cannot possibly account for the uniqueness of your health history, symptoms and needs. How can they? They’re providing you with an algorithm that is generated without a single conversation with YOU!

I am often contacted by people who want me to help interpret their consumer genomics report, but the one they purchased simply cannot answer their very important and valid health questions. It’s unfortunate that many people paid good money for these tests, but the ones they’ve chosen can only provide a partial picture. Imagine how disappointing it is for them to get such a minimal return on their investment or have to invest in additional tests to fill in the blanks.

Having a clinician-interpreted genomic test (and not a consumer- or lifestyle-focused one) is especially important if you have ongoing health concerns. If this is you, you should opt for an in-depth test only available through a licensed healthcare professional that will help your healthcare team make the best assessment and recommendations for you.

How to Unpack and Interpret Your Consumer Genomics Test

The power of genomic information lies in knowing not just your individual SNPs, but how the unique pattern of your SNPs influences the “operating system” (or biochemistry) of your body. This is how your DNA tells the story of your health. When a skilled clinician compares your SNP patterns to your symptoms, health issues and goals, that’s when you can get a deeper understanding of your health and together you can create a highly personalized and actionable plan. This is a far cry from suggest selling from a testing company that has never had a conversation with you. Having someone who is knowledgeable in this area will help you understand what your genomic report means.

After all, do you really want to be one more person asking numerous online health forums to help you interpret your results…?

Now let me be frank. It takes a lot of training in the relatively new field of genomics to understand, interpret and explain the nuances of a genomic report. It’s quite possible that your doctor or other licensed healthcare professional may not be proficient enough to do it well (yet). This is why I suggest that before you choose a consumer genomics test, have a discussion with a healthcare professional who is trained in genomics.

  • Ask them about the test they recommend and why.

  • Learn from them the difference between the test, service and support they provide, versus the one you might order via the internet.

  • You’ll quickly find out that a qualified healthcare professional can unpack and interpret your report in a way that is deeply personal to your health and get to where you want to be on your health journey, faster.

For sure, the investment in a clinician’s time is going to be over and above the cost of the test itself. I promise it's worth it. Time and time again, genomic testing allows me to:

  • Confirm for clients that they are not imagining things

  • That their health problems are real

  • That there are biochemical inefficiencies that contribute to why they can’t seem to get well

  • That we have the tools to help them get well

This makes genomics and the client experience incredibly empowering.

In summary, consumer genomics testing is a very powerful insight into achieving your best health and you can get the most out of it by considering the important factors outlined in this post.

Key Take-Aways About Consumer Genomics Tests

Before investing in a genomics test, be sure to consider how the company handles your personal information, whether they suggest supplements or not, and whether their tests focus on lifestyle or symptoms.

The science of genomics testing is still new, so it’s important to enlist the services of a qualified clinician who can help you unpack your report and put it into action in your life for your health.

  • Wondering what one of my consumer genomics reports looks like? Take a peek at a sample Genomics Report here and find out more about our Gene Testing Services here

  • Learn more about eating for your genes by downloading our Quick Start Guide featuring 12 recipes that initiate a food gene conversation.


Archibald, A. 2019. The Genomic Kitchen: Your Guide To Understanding And Using The Food-Gene Connection For A Lifetime Of Health.