The Genomic Kitchen

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Yes, your genes can influence your weight

Many online “solutions” for weight loss are fad diets that simply don’t work for most people in the long run. One simple answer is that a generalized plan is not a personalized plan. Personalized means digging really deep. And nothing gets deeper or more personal than your genes.

Let’s be honest from the get go. Weight is a complex topic.

For sure it’s influenced by food choice (and food access) and energy expenditure (exercise). But it is also informed by our environment, where the environment is:

  • Our emotional environment (family, friends, connections, relationships)

  • Our physical environment (where we live, noise exposure, work environment)

  • Our safety and security environment (roof over our head, bullied, close friends, isolated)

The bullet points above reflect the brilliant field of science called Human Social Genomics, which I personally feel has been the most insightful and enlightening field of science I have ever been privy to study. And trust me, connectivity, trauma, stress and insecurity deeply impact well-being and yes, weight.

While Human Social Genomics is not the focus of this post, I promise to delve into Human Social Genomics another time.

In this post, I want to discuss how genetics and your unique gene blueprint provides informed answers about what might be influencing weight gain, weight loss, weight balance struggles you or a loved one may have, and beyond.

Now the answer, of course, is not simple. It never is. But at least understanding how different genes inform this whole weight conversation, allows us to take a step back and consider new and very personal insights. After all, nothing is more personal than one’s own genes.

Here’s where we’re heading.

Firstly, let’s get clear about what may be missing in the whole world of diet and weight-related programs. Then I’m going to talk about how genes shed a very different light on the entire weight conversation. After that I’m delving into how a DNA Test can provide insights into your weight and metabolic picture. Then we’ll take a look together at some of the many genes I evaluate to provide answers to my clients about how to achieve their health (and/or) weight goals.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

What Fad Diets Are Missing When It Comes To Weight

The science of nutrigenetics (how variants in your genes respond to nutrients/your diet), and its sibling nutrigenomics can essentially put an end to fad diets, dietary generalizations and weight loss program promises.

The reason I say this is not to disparage really good programming and help out there, rather to say that genetics helps take the guesswork out of why one person is highly successful with weight goal achievement and another is not - even when they diligently follow the exact program guidelines. Losing weight is not easy. It’s even harder when you can’t figure it out. And yes some folks are incredible examples of what is achievable with a solid commitment. But this does not help others who continue to struggle in spite of their commitment.

You see, when it comes to weight, there’s more than just commitment, or whether you have a fast or slow metabolism. Genetics provides us with insights at a much deeper level, giving us an additional manuscript to work from.

I cannot tell you how many people say “I am always hugry…”

For example, genes influence

  • Your hunger and satiety cues

  • How you perceive taste and flavor

  • The effectiveness of exercise, and the efficiency at which you access energy stored in your cells for burning (thermogenesis).

I mean, I cannot tell you how many people tell me they are always hungry. And yes they can be skinny and hungry too. I knew that before they told me. I see it in their genes! Some people constantly crave food. Some people can’t figure out why they crave carbs and hate (I mean HATE) things like cauliflower or rutabaga. And please don’t mention beets. Some folks are at the gym 5-6 times a week- literally running or swimming miles - but to no avail with their weight struggles. Their genes tell me that HIIT or power lifting 3-4 days a week with recovery in between is a much better fit for their genes, and potentially their weight.

This is how powerful insights from your genes really are!

And to me, this is the piece of the puzzle (and the conversation) that has been missing.

The Powerful Insight From Genes in the Weight Conversation

If I can impress one thing on you, if you’re struggling with your weight, or have questions about weight gain or loss, it is that we are all unique. Genetics has given us a powerful understanding into the following

  • Why some people can eat and eat and never gain weight.

  • Why other individuals feel like they look at food and gain weight.

  • Why some people seem to be able to gain a few pounds (kilos) and simply exercise them off

  • Why other individuals eat diligently and healthfully but cannot shed the weight even with a daily gym visit

Here’s what I can tell you from reading DNA reports on a daily basis.

The root issues associated with weight gain and weight loss resistance often (but not always) have little to nothing to do with lack of willpower, poor choices, laziness, lack of focus etc. Instead, weight loss resistance is frequently an outward sign of a body out of balance, hanging on to toxins or other physical or emotional molecules that induce inflammation and oxidative damage. Until we get to the root cause and clear the pathway, for some individuals, achieving weight balance is difficult.

DNA testing allows me to identify physiological imbalances that are hiding in the less obvious places. Once those balances are restored, working towards health and weight balance is more effective. You could say that DNA testing helps us look in the places no one has thought of to find your body’s innate intelligence. Once we know that intelligence, we have a roadmap to work with.

How a DNA Test Provides Insights Into Your Weight

Your food and lifestyle prescription for correcting metabolic imbalances is different from the next person’s. A genomics test reveals clues as to whether you have a very efficient (“fast”)—or inefficient—metabolism. To truly understand your metabolism you can pinpoint any metabolic processes that are out of balance by getting a DNA test.

Nutrigenetic tests (the DNA tests most commonly used by clinicians) provide personalized insights into diet, exercise and lifestyle adjustments that will help you thrive.

Your test results illuminate the subtle variations embedded in your genes (which you inherited by the way). These genetic variations are not “mutations” that cause serious illness. They are SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) that collectively create subtle imbalances in metabolic or physiologic pathways in your body.

Oh by the way, SNPs can also create excellent efficiencies too, particularly when it comes to sports and athletic advantage!

Here is a very important point:

There is no single gene variation that is responsible for inefficient metabolism, high or low metabolic rate, weight imbalances or health.

A clinician who is trained in genomic science and nutrigenetic test interpretation, can interpret the nuances and patterns conveyed by your unique gene variants (SNPs) and provide detailed insights into what may be positively or negatively influencing your weight and/or metabolic rate. From this deeply informed foundation, you have the ability to create a framework for achieve health and weight (balance) goals by harmonizing your choices with your unique gene picture. This puts you in an informed and empowered place versus a trial and error space.

Here is another very important point

Your body’s metabolic efficiency is one, and only one facet, of understanding weight balance.

“Metabolism” refers to all of the biochemical process (I think of them as circuits) that work together to carry out the business of the body. Individuals who appear to have no problems with weight balance, the ones who can eat all day and gain not a single ounce, often refer to themselves as having a “fast” metabolism. Paradoxically, individuals who struggle with weight balance or weight loss, may often refer to their “slow” metabolism.

Genetics allows us to go beyond the notion of “fast” or “slow” and get to the “why”…

Let’s take a look

Examples of Genes That Influence Your Metabolism

There are many genes that influence your body’s metabolism and thermogenic (energy burning/heat production) efficiency. In reality, we’re only just beginning to understand how SNPs (variants) in these genes impact metabolic balance in the human body. Here I provide just a quick glimpse into some of the many genes I look at when helping an individual optimize their health journey.

  1. Fat Burning Efficiency

We know, for example, that some people inherit a cluster of rather stubborn genes when it comes to tapping fat in their body stores to use as energy. In other words, some folks naturally have a little more trouble burning fat than others. Truth! Genes such as ADRB2 and PPARG can be real rabble rousers in this area. Note: just because you have SNPS in these or other fat burning genes does not predict or mean you have fat burning problems!!

Genes SIRT-1 and AMPK help to activate the gene PPARGC1A can also assist in igniting your “fat-burning engine.”

In my book, The Genomic Kitchen, I call SIRT-1 the “master of the metabolic universe” because of how powerfully this one gene can impact your metabolism, tamp down inflammation and assist in immune system modulation by orchestrating several other genes and molecules. The human body is smart!

“When it comes to metabolism, the gene SIRT-1 is the master of the metabolic universe because of how powerfully it impacts metabolism.”

SIRT-1 along with its partner AMPK help “speed” your metabolism and thermogenesis in two ways.

  • Firstly, they help to create more mitochondria (the “power plants” in your cells) which convert fats and carbohydrates into energy (ATP). The more efficient your mitochondria are, the better you burn fats.

  • Secondly, SIRT-1 and AMPK can also influence weight by turning off the gene called M-TOR so your body can preferentially burn fat (versus glucose) as its energy source.

  • I discuss SIRT-1 and m-TOR in this video

2. Carb Burning Efficiency

When it comes to understanding your metabolic efficiency (how well you extract and utilize energy), I also consider genes that regulate your blood sugar, assist with thermogenesis, or impact your circadian rhythm.

High levels of sugar in the blood often correlate with increased weight and/or diabetes.

In this case, examples of genes I may consider that influence insulin production and carbohydrate management such as:

  • TCF7L2

  • IRS1


Note this is a small sample of the many genes I consider!

3. Fuel Efficiency

Anyone driving a car wants to know how energy efficient it is. We used to call this gas mileage right?! In the human body, we call this thermogenesis, or energy production and burning efficiency. For human energy efficiency, I consider a number of metabolic processes, however always consider a cluster of genes whose job is to assist in energy extraction and heat release. We call these genes UCPs or Uncoupling Proteins. I put UCPs into the matrix of genes I consider when evaluating weight balance and weight loss resistance scenarios.

4. Your Circadian Rhythm

Yes you have a body clock. In fact your body has many clocks! This means if you’re a night owl (because your CLOCK genes has you lazy in the morning and wide awake in the evening!) then you might have a tendency to snack late at night, even if you’re not aware of it. If you add in genes that impact your sense of satiety, you have the potential for a perfect storm. When evaluating your inherent circadian rhythm, I consider SNPs or variants associated with your CLOCK gene.

Remember This

Genes do not diagnose or predict. They provide insights and, for many, “ah ha moments” that allow us to understand and act.

Key Take-Aways on How Your Gene Blueprint Informs Your Weight

  • If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight balance, or achieve a weight that you feel is ideal for you, know that your genes may have an influential role.

  • A DNA test (Nutrigenetic test) interpreted by a trained clinician can provide key insights into what is impacting your weight, metabolic rate, metabolic efficiency and how to adapt your diet, lifestyle and exercise choices to harmonize with your unique gene blueprint.

  • Understand that weight balance and metabolic efficiency is often impacted by imbalances that are far removed from how much time you spend at the gym, or what type of diet you are on. In fact weight issues are often resolved when we balance out inefficiencies in your unique “operating system” that have nothing to do with calories in or calories out!

  • If you do feel like you are on the continuous weight gain/loss “hamster wheel” and nothing is working for you, please reach out to us at The Genomic Kitchen. We’re here to answer questions, guide and support you. You’re worth it.


Cole SW (2014) Human Social Genomics. PLoS Genet 10(8): e1004601.

Archibald, A. 2019. The Genomic Kitchen: Your Guide To Understanding And Using The Food-Gene Connection For A Lifetime Of Health.

Wikipedia. 2007. Thermogenesis.