7 Tasty Ways to Cook With Chickpeas

What are chickpeas?

7 Tasty Ways to Cook with Chickpeas

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a super cool, readily available, portable, snackable, affordable and tasty nutrition “bomb”. They pack a complete protein punch, literally providing all essential and non-essential (because we can make them), amino acids which are the building blocks for protein.

In the USA, we are familiar with chickpeas as whole “beans” or “peas” which you can purchase in cans or in their dried forms at the market. Chickpea flour is also quite readily available these days and has found favor among individuals who need a gluten-free flour alternative for baking.

What can chickpeas be used for?

While chickpea flour, also known as gram flour, has increased in popularity and visibility in North America it has been used in cooking around the world for centuries. You are probably most familiar with chickpea flour in the form of Flatbread, which is eaten widely around the world. Depending on the culture, flatbread has a different name! In Italy, flatbread made from chickpea flour is known as farinata. The French call their flatbread Socca, and in India their chickpea flatbread is the crunchy Poppadum! Who knew?

You may also be familiar with chickpeas in world-renown hummus, where they play a starring role with tahini (sesame paste). Also falafel, a Middle Eastern delicacy (a street food!), where chickpeas are smashed down and rolled into delicious bite-sized balls. Chickpeas are also at the heart of a myriad of curries in Indian cuisine.

Now you have a taste of the many uses of chickpeas, here are seven unique and innovative ways to incorporate this beautiful ingredient in delicious recipes and get them on your plate!

7 ways to cook with chickpeas

Dinner ideas

An easy recipe for Vegan Chickpea Curry by Homemade & Yummy.

Pan Roasted Chicken with Chickpeas by Zest for Cooking.

Lunch or dinner ideas

A fun recipe for a Sauteed Chickpea Salad with Roasted Red Peppers and Fresh Mint by Kaylns Kitchen.

An interesting Vegetarian Chickpea Stew thickened with egg yolks and yogurt by Foodal.

Hummus two ways

Smokey Pumpkin Hummus by Pink Fortitude.

A traditional hummus with canned or dried chickpeas by Zest For Cooking.

How about chickpeas for breakfast?

Shakshuka a popular Mediterranean breakfast dish is made with chickpeas by The Petite Cook.

Homemade granola made with roasted chickpeas by Happy Hooligans.

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